Am I having fun? I guess whether I am or not, a lot of time has passed since my last post. LOL - I even had to enter my password a couple of times to get the right one!
We are back in the school groove, I guess and so far so good. The main change this year is that now my 3 school age children are spread out in 3 different schools. Our new high school experience has so far been positive. I was so happy to see that my son was NOT one of the shirtless-chest-painted-fans-in-very-small-running-shorts at the football game. He may be a freshman, but he's smart enough to know where to draw the line!!
Other than that, my plate is fuller than ever. We decided to do an early morning seminary group for church here at the house this school year. Guess who gets to teach?? So the spare time that I didn't have before is now really taken up! I also have a room torn down almost ready to redo. I have a little ceiling paper left to strip, then I can start priming/sizing. The walls are patched and I have the wallpaper in hand. To say that house projects move slowly around here is an understatement. It seems like the odds of time and money occurring at the same time around here are just slightly better than getting struck by lightning. However, I do need to have the room done by Christmas or we can hang up the idea of putting up a tree.
I have to say that I have been enjoying the one-on-one time I have with my 3 year old. She is so much fun and we have a great time togther. 20+ rounds per day of the game 'Candyland' is probably not an activity I would choose for myself, but her excitement is contagious and it's very cute how she takes each round so seriously. I'm off for some deep reading! 'Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!' anyone?
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Thursday, June 15, 2006
I Love My Teenager...
I have to keep telling myself that!! My 14 year old couldn't understand why I wouldn't let him ride his aunt's scooter to the church last night (about 20 miles away, mostly highway driving). It's not even that he couldn't do it, it's mostly that I don't trust other drivers, but even if I was inclined to let him do it I still wouldn't because he is kind of hit-and-miss when it comes to responsibility so he doesn't deserve that privilege right now. I was trying to explain that everything in his life overlaps and connects but he just wasn't getting it. Finally I told him that I could explain it a million times and it wouldn't matter because I know nothing and he knows everything (a hint of sarcasm there). He thought about it for a second, then informed me that I do know some things - I can play the piano better than he can. *sigh*
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
It's been awhile, I know!
It's been so long since I posted that I actually had to log in today! I'm amazed that I remembered my password. While I might feel like I've fallen off the end of the earth, I actually haven't, but there's been a lot going on!
First, the rear-ending incident with the semi has turned into something more than I hoped it would! My back started hurting a couple days after the accident and the pain just kept getting worse, so I finally went to the doctor. The x-rays came back normal, so that means muscle damage (it should get better and go away). The doctor says avoid heavy lifting. How do you quit using your back? I have a toddler that sometimes I just have to pick up. I haven't tuned without pain since the wreck, not to mention it has slowed me down a bit. Also, there is this piano moving business we have where we actually lift pianos and move them!!! So while my normal routine hasn't changed much (I am trying to not help with the piano moves when possible), it is now my normal-routine-with-pain. I am not too bummed about not being able to do yard work, though.
Also, mom and dad came for a visit. They mostly came out because my brother was graduating from dental school, but we got them for about a week. Even though the kids were still in school, we had a great time. We also got to attend the graduation, which was really nice. Since dad is a dentist, he got to 'hood' Pat as he came across the stage, so that was especially neat.
In other news, the strawberries are on and school is winding down. Last day is tomorrow! The strawberries will be on for awhile yet, though. I have been picking strawberries (I know, my back!) and making jam so I am about to the point where I've seen enough strawberries - but, as always - they are super good and homemade jam is awesome. The kids aren't too excited about joining the strawberry work crew, but it's good for them and they can earn some money for our trip to see grandma and grandpa this summer!
Well - I think I've tied the phone line up long enough - so that's all for now!!
First, the rear-ending incident with the semi has turned into something more than I hoped it would! My back started hurting a couple days after the accident and the pain just kept getting worse, so I finally went to the doctor. The x-rays came back normal, so that means muscle damage (it should get better and go away). The doctor says avoid heavy lifting. How do you quit using your back? I have a toddler that sometimes I just have to pick up. I haven't tuned without pain since the wreck, not to mention it has slowed me down a bit. Also, there is this piano moving business we have where we actually lift pianos and move them!!! So while my normal routine hasn't changed much (I am trying to not help with the piano moves when possible), it is now my normal-routine-with-pain. I am not too bummed about not being able to do yard work, though.
Also, mom and dad came for a visit. They mostly came out because my brother was graduating from dental school, but we got them for about a week. Even though the kids were still in school, we had a great time. We also got to attend the graduation, which was really nice. Since dad is a dentist, he got to 'hood' Pat as he came across the stage, so that was especially neat.
In other news, the strawberries are on and school is winding down. Last day is tomorrow! The strawberries will be on for awhile yet, though. I have been picking strawberries (I know, my back!) and making jam so I am about to the point where I've seen enough strawberries - but, as always - they are super good and homemade jam is awesome. The kids aren't too excited about joining the strawberry work crew, but it's good for them and they can earn some money for our trip to see grandma and grandpa this summer!
Well - I think I've tied the phone line up long enough - so that's all for now!!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
A rural infestation...
I was just reading my city-slicker sister's blog. She and her husband are new home owners in a big city. She just had her first adventure with a mouse in the house. I was laughing because with living in a farm house we have had a mouse or two over the years. But the last couple of years we have had a different sort of infestation (luckily an outdoor one) - groundhogs or woodchucks or whatever you want to call them. From far away they are kind of cute and furry - but don't be fooled! They can be very destructive. They were digging out under our barn foundations and also throwing up dirt piles around the property. We have a farm house on about 4 acres with four large out-buildings. Last spring we were pretty sure we had 5 or 6 groundhogs and they were tearing the place apart. A kind friend loaned us a gun and taught us how to use it. We started eliminating the destructive intruders and when all was said and done, we had 16 groundhogs!!! We got 15 of them, but number 16 went into hibernation before we got him.
I don't know if there is a sign somewhere pointing groundhogs to our place, but this year it seems like we are starting over again! Hopefully not on as large of a scale, but last night I got number one for this season.
I have to admit that learning to use a gun was not really high on my list of experiences to seek out. I'm sure my family thinks I have completely crossed over to redneck-hood, but I have to say that while killing groundhogs is an unpleasant necessity, target practice on inanimate objects is kind of theraputic. Plus - my average is pretty good - I haven't missed a shot yet (even if my targets hold nice and still for me).
My husband assures me that I would have to kill the groundhog AND cook it up for dinner to be a true redneck. WHEW! I was getting worried!
I don't know if there is a sign somewhere pointing groundhogs to our place, but this year it seems like we are starting over again! Hopefully not on as large of a scale, but last night I got number one for this season.
I have to admit that learning to use a gun was not really high on my list of experiences to seek out. I'm sure my family thinks I have completely crossed over to redneck-hood, but I have to say that while killing groundhogs is an unpleasant necessity, target practice on inanimate objects is kind of theraputic. Plus - my average is pretty good - I haven't missed a shot yet (even if my targets hold nice and still for me).
My husband assures me that I would have to kill the groundhog AND cook it up for dinner to be a true redneck. WHEW! I was getting worried!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
A little too much excitement...
Friday morning I picked my van up from the shop - the service engine light had come on, so we had it checked out, and on my way home from that I was stopped on the highway for the lady in front of me who was turning left. There was a semi behind me and he didn't get stopped in time and so I got rear-ended! As I could see him approaching in my rear-view mirror, it was a strange feeling - I knew what was coming and there wasn't anything I could do and it all happened so fast. Fortunately, the woman in front of me got turned before I got hit, so all the damage is to the rear of the van and I didn't have to have an air bag go off in my face. Also, I was alone - glad I didn't have the kids with me! We are hoping the van will be fixable (I drove it home from the accident) because even though it is a 1998 van, it only has 48,000 miles on it, so it will be hard to replace. The insurance adjuster should be out tomorrow or Tuesday, so hopefully we can get the repair process in motion soon. The driver of the semi was more shaken up than I was (he said he had never hit anyone before), but mostly I was glad to be walking around and lucid instead of unconscious waiting for the jaws of life to arrive. It has been 2 1/2 days and I still feel ok - I was a little stiff and sore Friday night and Saturday, but, other than that, feeling good.
It was extra good not to be injured because we had plans Friday night! Pat and Jessie came up and we ate dinner at our place and then my kids babysat their kids and we went up to the Pacers game - the only change of plans being that we had to take Pat's car instead of ours. But we had a really good time, even if we were sitting in the nose-bleed section. Of course Reagan and Hadley had a blast playing here and Rawley absolutely LOVES our kitties. It is cute to watch him get excited when he sees them.
It was extra good not to be injured because we had plans Friday night! Pat and Jessie came up and we ate dinner at our place and then my kids babysat their kids and we went up to the Pacers game - the only change of plans being that we had to take Pat's car instead of ours. But we had a really good time, even if we were sitting in the nose-bleed section. Of course Reagan and Hadley had a blast playing here and Rawley absolutely LOVES our kitties. It is cute to watch him get excited when he sees them.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Done at last!
Filed my taxes this morning - what a relief! Going to celebrate by having a French Silk Pie Blizzard - the best Blizzard flavour ever!! It's been a busy week - Easter tuning rush. Only one more day to go though! I have still managed to plug away at my odds'n'ends house projects. Did some painting and finishing this evening. The mirror I took to have framed is ready, so things are moving along even if it is painfully slow.
I was tuning about 30 miles north yesterday and my van started acting wierd, then my 'service engine soon' light came on. I was worried, but I made it home and then to the repair shop. It turns out it was just a spark plug. What a racket! I thought it was a big deal if the service engine light came on, but next time I am going to have Tracy check the little stuff first before we take it to the dealer! $75 to have one spark plug replaced!!
The weather has really warmed up. I hoped that I would have a few weeks between turning my furnace off and turning my air conditioner on, but it only turned out to be a few days! The upstairs air conditioner came on today - and would have come on yesterday if it had been turned on. That's Indiana for you.
I was tuning about 30 miles north yesterday and my van started acting wierd, then my 'service engine soon' light came on. I was worried, but I made it home and then to the repair shop. It turns out it was just a spark plug. What a racket! I thought it was a big deal if the service engine light came on, but next time I am going to have Tracy check the little stuff first before we take it to the dealer! $75 to have one spark plug replaced!!
The weather has really warmed up. I hoped that I would have a few weeks between turning my furnace off and turning my air conditioner on, but it only turned out to be a few days! The upstairs air conditioner came on today - and would have come on yesterday if it had been turned on. That's Indiana for you.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Tax-time woes...
It is tax time again and every year I promise to get it done and overwith early, but I am always unsuccessful. It's not even that I know that we probably will owe a little money - it's the major hassle of it all. This is the time of year when being self-employed really stinks! Not only do you have to keep track of endless receipts and fill out many extra forms, but they really stick it to you on the social security taxes. I am definitely all for the fair-tax plan that probably won't ever happen because politicians are too power hungry to give any up, even if it would help the economy and ease the tax burden! Wish me luck!
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Life back to normal...
Well, the show is over, so life is getting back to normal - whatever that means!! But the shows went great and it was a lot of fun! I am a little behind on my housework, but that's nothing new - just a little further behind than normal, so I am catching up. Also got my tunings done this week and managed to get back on my elliptical trainer. (First, it broke, then I was practicing the piano all the time). It felt good to be back on and thankfully the breakdown was covered under warranty. I've been on it for about a month now (not including the 2 1/2 week break) and my knee isn't bothering me at all. That is a good sign - everything else I've tried has hurt my knee too much.
Spring break is this coming week. Hoping to get caught up on some house projects. Tracy is taking down some old buildings on our property - it looks nice with the junky buildings out of the way! I need him to do a few things in the house as well! We will also be going down to Louisville to see my brother and his family before they move back to Canada. Then I will be all alone again in the USA! I know - it's my own fault!
Tracy was supposed to be going to Virginia to pick up a piano, but the transmission on the truck went out, so that will have to wait. An expensive repair, but we got plenty of life out of the transmission and it has been a fairly low-maintenance vehicle - this is our first major repair. It just hurts to write a check that big for car repairs! The truck should be back in commission by the middle of next week. Tracy had gone to pick a piano up in Indy on Wednesday, so we are glad that he didn't have any trouble that day! He picked up and we delivered a brand new Storey and Clark baby grand with a CD player system in it on Wednesday. It was a sweet set up! So cute - and the people got such a good deal on it! I would love to have on of those, but I can't complain - I already have a grand and a baby grand in my house... . But it was the first time we had uncrated and set up a brand new piano, usually we just move used pianos, so it was an adventure.
Tracy is in man-heaven with March Madness starting this weekend. We all filled out our brackets - we even got Reagan to make her picks. Her picks are very random (ie. pointing at the page that she cannot read - 'do you want this one or this one?') so it's been funny to see that she only missed one less game than Tracy and I in the first round!
Spring break is this coming week. Hoping to get caught up on some house projects. Tracy is taking down some old buildings on our property - it looks nice with the junky buildings out of the way! I need him to do a few things in the house as well! We will also be going down to Louisville to see my brother and his family before they move back to Canada. Then I will be all alone again in the USA! I know - it's my own fault!
Tracy was supposed to be going to Virginia to pick up a piano, but the transmission on the truck went out, so that will have to wait. An expensive repair, but we got plenty of life out of the transmission and it has been a fairly low-maintenance vehicle - this is our first major repair. It just hurts to write a check that big for car repairs! The truck should be back in commission by the middle of next week. Tracy had gone to pick a piano up in Indy on Wednesday, so we are glad that he didn't have any trouble that day! He picked up and we delivered a brand new Storey and Clark baby grand with a CD player system in it on Wednesday. It was a sweet set up! So cute - and the people got such a good deal on it! I would love to have on of those, but I can't complain - I already have a grand and a baby grand in my house... . But it was the first time we had uncrated and set up a brand new piano, usually we just move used pianos, so it was an adventure.
Tracy is in man-heaven with March Madness starting this weekend. We all filled out our brackets - we even got Reagan to make her picks. Her picks are very random (ie. pointing at the page that she cannot read - 'do you want this one or this one?') so it's been funny to see that she only missed one less game than Tracy and I in the first round!
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
I hate dial up...
I really hate dial up internet. Unfortunately, there's not much I can do about it at this point. I live in the cyber boonies. Actually, I am within 10 miles of 2 fair-sized cities, but still can't get DSL and the cable company won't come down my road, so broadband is out as well. I long for the day that technology finally makes its way out here.
The reason I mention it is because the only reason I actually have time to write today is because I am waiting for a large sized email to download. I really hate when people forward me those 'cute' emails that download into their computers in just seconds, but tie up my email for hours. Still waiting to find out who the culprit is this time...
My life is all of a sudden very busy. It's my own fault - I took on yet another project. This time it is helping out with the high school musical, 'Fiddler on the Roof'. They got stuck with no pianist so I offered to help at the last minute. The only problem is that I'm not sure that I am much help. I am really enjoying the rehearsals, etc., but the music is very challenging. I have only had the score for about 4 weeks. 184 pages of very challenging music. I am trying to internalize all the music, but the sheer scope of it coupled with the fact that I already have a fairly busy life is making it difficult. So, hopefully, come showtime, I will actually be useful.
In other news, my husband turned 40 yesterday. Who knew it would come so fast!! But he's taking it in stride. We put 40 candles in the shape of a '40' on his cake. It was an inferno!! The kids thought it was great. It took me 6 or 7 matches to get them all lit.
Wrestling season wraps up this week. I am so glad! Eric has learned a lot, but I am glad to take of the taxi driver hat for awhile.
Well - this email is going to have to download without me! I am off for now, I'll come back and check later...
The reason I mention it is because the only reason I actually have time to write today is because I am waiting for a large sized email to download. I really hate when people forward me those 'cute' emails that download into their computers in just seconds, but tie up my email for hours. Still waiting to find out who the culprit is this time...
My life is all of a sudden very busy. It's my own fault - I took on yet another project. This time it is helping out with the high school musical, 'Fiddler on the Roof'. They got stuck with no pianist so I offered to help at the last minute. The only problem is that I'm not sure that I am much help. I am really enjoying the rehearsals, etc., but the music is very challenging. I have only had the score for about 4 weeks. 184 pages of very challenging music. I am trying to internalize all the music, but the sheer scope of it coupled with the fact that I already have a fairly busy life is making it difficult. So, hopefully, come showtime, I will actually be useful.
In other news, my husband turned 40 yesterday. Who knew it would come so fast!! But he's taking it in stride. We put 40 candles in the shape of a '40' on his cake. It was an inferno!! The kids thought it was great. It took me 6 or 7 matches to get them all lit.
Wrestling season wraps up this week. I am so glad! Eric has learned a lot, but I am glad to take of the taxi driver hat for awhile.
Well - this email is going to have to download without me! I am off for now, I'll come back and check later...
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Never tuned in a sauna before...
A busy week! I was at a school prepping their pianos for a big event this weekend and next weekend. They were having heating/cooling issues and the music department was a sweltering 78 degrees! The practice rooms were even hotter. Thankfully, of the 8 pianos I worked on, only 3 were in practice rooms. The rooms are about 6 feet by 6 feet and with the door closed it was positively stiffling!! I tried tuning with the door closed and couldn't do it, so the people in the halls just had to put up with my noise! I hope they get their temperature figured out before the pianos get any permanent damage from the heat.
Not much other news. I can finally watch the wrestling meets without having to peek through my fingers. I still think it looks painful! Also been managing to get a few loose ends around the house tied up. But it seems like everytime I get a few done, something else comes up! Oh well!
Not much other news. I can finally watch the wrestling meets without having to peek through my fingers. I still think it looks painful! Also been managing to get a few loose ends around the house tied up. But it seems like everytime I get a few done, something else comes up! Oh well!
Friday, January 13, 2006
This three-year-old!!
My three-year-old is officially driving me crazy! I have to say that we (for the most part) skipped the 'terrible' part of the terrible twos, but she has just been on a roll the last few days. She is NEVER still and it seems like she has to be right where I am - squirming the whole time! Someday I'll miss it, right? Still wouldn't trade her for anything!
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Post-holiday update
Been awhile, I know - but we are finally through the holidays!! I had a super Christmas and the holiday season was nice. The tuning got kind of crazy right before Christmas, but that is to be expected. I actually got a call just 2 days before Christmas to see if I could work someone in! It never ceases to amaze me at the lack of planning. Especially some churches I tune for - you'd think that you might schedule ahead since you tune every year at Christmas?? Some people sound pretty put out if I can't come right away during the holidays. I managed to work almost everyone in - I think I only had to turn away one woman who lived way out in the sticks.
But the kids had a fun break and a great Christmas. I couldn't believe all the wrapping paper! We had some fun family time, including a jaunt to Cincinnati and a visit from my brother and his family.
Yesterday Reagan colored herself pink with a highlighter pen right before we were to leave to get her 3 year pictures taken. At least it wasn't nail polish this time! She even colored her eyelids - an amazing feat considering she didn't have a mirror. Just because she is quiet doesn't mean she is sleeping!
But the kids had a fun break and a great Christmas. I couldn't believe all the wrapping paper! We had some fun family time, including a jaunt to Cincinnati and a visit from my brother and his family.
Yesterday Reagan colored herself pink with a highlighter pen right before we were to leave to get her 3 year pictures taken. At least it wasn't nail polish this time! She even colored her eyelids - an amazing feat considering she didn't have a mirror. Just because she is quiet doesn't mean she is sleeping!
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