Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Prop 8

As you know, the LDS church was actively involved in supporting
proposition 8 in the last election in California. This proposition
passed and as a result, gay marriage will be constitutionally banned
in the state of California. Many churches and organizations were
involved in the effort to pass this proposition, but the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the only church being actively
persecuted by those who are disappointed in the election results. The
church is now also being 'investigated' by California officials (see:

One of the great things about America is that we are free to express
and hold beliefs. Just as those opposed to prop. 8 had the right to
actively promote their beliefs, so did those who were in favor of it.
The actions being taken by gay rights activists post election are

Take a minute to visit this link and add your name to the petition.
From the abovethehate.com website: "Please sign the petition below to
join us as we stand together to say "Enough!" to the campaign of hate
and intimidation being waged against the LDS Church and other
supporters of California's Proposition 8.
Now is the time to stand together to protect the rights of minority
religious communities to participate in the political process without
fear of violence, intimidation, or vandalism. :"


Thursday, November 20, 2008


Just came from feeding the cast of 'Our Town' between their 2 performances today. What a great group. I'm looking forward to attending the play tomorrow night.

The other day, Reagan came home from school and one of her first comments to me was, "Don't look in my backpack tomorrow." What?? So I asked her why I shouldn't look in her backpack. I check her backpack everyday. I thought maybe she was in trouble at school or something. She wouldn't say why, she only said I didn't need to look. Her insistence was a red flag, but I kind of forgot about it after that. The next morning when I handed her the backpack as she was leaving it weighed a lot more than it usually does and I quickly remembered our conversation from the day before. Upon further examination, I found that her backpack contained her Barbies. I'm not sure what she was cooking up, but she didn't get to take the toys to school. I guess she thought she was being sneaky...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Break a leg, Eric!

Here is the newspaper clipping from the Columbus Republic on Monday, Nov. 17. The top photo was along the top of the front page, then the article from inside the paper. Why is she in costume and he isn't? I don't know. Also - I know he needs a haircut, but he's supposed to grow it out a bit for the spring musical. He will be combing and styling it for the play - I've seen it and it looks good, just too bad it wasn't done for the newspaper picture!

The play has 2 performances tomorrow and then one performance each on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Eric plays Dr. Frank Gibbs and Justine is the assistant backstage director - she's excited because she gets to be the backstage director for the Thursday performances. Not bad for a freshman! Ms. Runge says she's very good and James, (a senior and a good friend of Eric's) the lighting/sound director says he doesn't remember a freshman ever being backstage director before. So good luck, Eric and Justine!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

See the post right before this one and then check out these photos from "Kiss Me Kate":


I finally got a hold of some photos of the last 2 musicals that Eric has been in. It is kind of fun to see the difference between the two. In spring 2007 (as a freshman) he played Nicely Nicely Johnson in "Guys 'n Dolls" and in spring 2008 (sophomore) he played Fred/Petruchio in "Kiss Me Kate". It will be fun to compare these to next spring's musical which will be "Grease". Auditions are at the beginning of December, so we will know soon what role he will have and we might even be watching Justine as well! These first 3 pictures are from "Guys 'n Dolls". I wish I had more - but I was glad to get these:

Monday, November 03, 2008

A Fun Halloween!

We did the usual trick-or-treating with Justine, Brig and Reagan and it was fun, as always. Reagan really knows how to inhale her candy!

Something new we did this year was set up our barn with a makeshift screen and a projector TV and Eric invited a bunch of friends and we did a scary movie in the barn and a bonfire/roasted hot dogs, etc. It was a great time. At one point, I counted 20 teenagers, but that number might be a little low - they don't hold still very long. The weather was perfect - we even had some pretty spectacular shooting stars. The old barn had the perfect 'Halloween' ambience.