Thursday, November 20, 2008


Just came from feeding the cast of 'Our Town' between their 2 performances today. What a great group. I'm looking forward to attending the play tomorrow night.

The other day, Reagan came home from school and one of her first comments to me was, "Don't look in my backpack tomorrow." What?? So I asked her why I shouldn't look in her backpack. I check her backpack everyday. I thought maybe she was in trouble at school or something. She wouldn't say why, she only said I didn't need to look. Her insistence was a red flag, but I kind of forgot about it after that. The next morning when I handed her the backpack as she was leaving it weighed a lot more than it usually does and I quickly remembered our conversation from the day before. Upon further examination, I found that her backpack contained her Barbies. I'm not sure what she was cooking up, but she didn't get to take the toys to school. I guess she thought she was being sneaky...


Jessie said...

Isn't it amazing how quickly they catch on to stuff like that!! Hadley tends to take smaller toys so I usually miss them!

Terri said...

I can totally see Reagon trying something like that!