Thursday, March 30, 2006

Tax-time woes...

It is tax time again and every year I promise to get it done and overwith early, but I am always unsuccessful. It's not even that I know that we probably will owe a little money - it's the major hassle of it all. This is the time of year when being self-employed really stinks! Not only do you have to keep track of endless receipts and fill out many extra forms, but they really stick it to you on the social security taxes. I am definitely all for the fair-tax plan that probably won't ever happen because politicians are too power hungry to give any up, even if it would help the economy and ease the tax burden! Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Devynn said...

I hear yeah about being self-employed! It takes me under half an hour to do Brian's taxes. It takes me about a week to do mine :( I too, every year, swear, I will keep everything more organized so that next year it won't take me so long -- and do I? No. Anyway good luck!