Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas Season Craziness!!
Wow! It's Christmas day already! It's been a busy and fun December. A week ago we had Reagan's 6th birthday. It was great! 6-year-old girls are especially cute. She wore the 'crown' she got at school all day. The present she wanted most was a horse-drawn Barbie carriage - very sparkly and gaudy - but perfect for her! And the Barbie cake was a hit as well. I will post pictures. We have had it a week now and it has many miles on it already! For Christmas she got a bunch of Disney princesses, so the carriage has been extra busy today and so has the one prince we have.
Brig had an adventure this week. A friend from school invited him to go to the sold-out Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert in Indianapolis on Monday night. What a treat for him! His siblings were very jealous and he said the concert was awesome. But Eric gets to go and see the stage production of 'Lion King' in Indy tomorrow night with a friend, so there's plenty of good stuff going on - I know I'm jealous! Justine says she doesn't get to do anything fun. We have the family skating party coming up and hope to spend new year's with family as well.
We all had a good Christmas. The kids didn't get us up too early - it was about 7:30am when we went downstairs. Our usual early riser (Brig) didn't wake up too early because he was so excited that it took him a long time to fall asleep, so he was extra tired.
I will post the Christmas pictures separately.
If you've heard rumors of our family growing again, they are true. We will be adding number 5 at the end of July (the 22nd is the due date, but historically that doesn't mean much for me - it will most likely be sometime after the 22nd, probably at least a week). 10 weeks down, at least 30 more to go!! Yes, I feel nauseous all the time.
Brig had an adventure this week. A friend from school invited him to go to the sold-out Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert in Indianapolis on Monday night. What a treat for him! His siblings were very jealous and he said the concert was awesome. But Eric gets to go and see the stage production of 'Lion King' in Indy tomorrow night with a friend, so there's plenty of good stuff going on - I know I'm jealous! Justine says she doesn't get to do anything fun. We have the family skating party coming up and hope to spend new year's with family as well.
We all had a good Christmas. The kids didn't get us up too early - it was about 7:30am when we went downstairs. Our usual early riser (Brig) didn't wake up too early because he was so excited that it took him a long time to fall asleep, so he was extra tired.
I will post the Christmas pictures separately.
If you've heard rumors of our family growing again, they are true. We will be adding number 5 at the end of July (the 22nd is the due date, but historically that doesn't mean much for me - it will most likely be sometime after the 22nd, probably at least a week). 10 weeks down, at least 30 more to go!! Yes, I feel nauseous all the time.
Friday, December 12, 2008
On Dec. 6, Brig's middle school band marched in the 'Festival of Lights' parade. We went to watch. It was fun, but VERY cold! At about 22 degrees F and breezy, the parade was too long for how cold it was. An hour and twenty minutes is too long to be standing out in the cold - you would think that parade planners would take this into account when planning a WINTER parade. Many people started leaving after about an hour. We lasted a little longer than that. But Brig's band sounded great and we had a fun time!
Ponytails and poodle skirts...
Auditions are finally done and the cast list for the spring musical ('Grease') was posted this afternoon. Eric got the role of 'Danny' and Justine made the ensemble. I'm excited for them both! 40 girls auditioned this year, so Justine was happy to get into the show as a freshman. Eric said her auditions were great, but it was pretty stiff competition this year. There were not enough female parts to go around, so there were some very disappointed girls. She will know more about what she will be doing as rehearsals get under way. A girl named Marby got the part of 'Sandy'. I'm excited for her. I've been watching her the last couple of years waiting for her to break out - she is very talented.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
When your piano is being tuned, please resist the urge to vacuum!
Vacuuming is probably the most avoidable background noise I have to contend with (besides loud TV's) when I am tuning pianos. This seems really obvious to me, but perhaps it isn't: the less noise, the better the tuning!!! Should I really have to ask for quiet? Just something to keep in mind...
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Prop 8
As you know, the LDS church was actively involved in supporting
proposition 8 in the last election in California. This proposition
passed and as a result, gay marriage will be constitutionally banned
in the state of California. Many churches and organizations were
involved in the effort to pass this proposition, but the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the only church being actively
persecuted by those who are disappointed in the election results. The
church is now also being 'investigated' by California officials (see:,2933,457086,00.html).
One of the great things about America is that we are free to express
and hold beliefs. Just as those opposed to prop. 8 had the right to
actively promote their beliefs, so did those who were in favor of it.
The actions being taken by gay rights activists post election are
Take a minute to visit this link and add your name to the petition.
From the website: "Please sign the petition below to
join us as we stand together to say "Enough!" to the campaign of hate
and intimidation being waged against the LDS Church and other
supporters of California's Proposition 8.
Now is the time to stand together to protect the rights of minority
religious communities to participate in the political process without
fear of violence, intimidation, or vandalism. :"
proposition 8 in the last election in California. This proposition
passed and as a result, gay marriage will be constitutionally banned
in the state of California. Many churches and organizations were
involved in the effort to pass this proposition, but the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the only church being actively
persecuted by those who are disappointed in the election results. The
church is now also being 'investigated' by California officials (see:,2933,457086,00.html).
One of the great things about America is that we are free to express
and hold beliefs. Just as those opposed to prop. 8 had the right to
actively promote their beliefs, so did those who were in favor of it.
The actions being taken by gay rights activists post election are
Take a minute to visit this link and add your name to the petition.
From the website: "Please sign the petition below to
join us as we stand together to say "Enough!" to the campaign of hate
and intimidation being waged against the LDS Church and other
supporters of California's Proposition 8.
Now is the time to stand together to protect the rights of minority
religious communities to participate in the political process without
fear of violence, intimidation, or vandalism. :"
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Just came from feeding the cast of 'Our Town' between their 2 performances today. What a great group. I'm looking forward to attending the play tomorrow night.
The other day, Reagan came home from school and one of her first comments to me was, "Don't look in my backpack tomorrow." What?? So I asked her why I shouldn't look in her backpack. I check her backpack everyday. I thought maybe she was in trouble at school or something. She wouldn't say why, she only said I didn't need to look. Her insistence was a red flag, but I kind of forgot about it after that. The next morning when I handed her the backpack as she was leaving it weighed a lot more than it usually does and I quickly remembered our conversation from the day before. Upon further examination, I found that her backpack contained her Barbies. I'm not sure what she was cooking up, but she didn't get to take the toys to school. I guess she thought she was being sneaky...
The other day, Reagan came home from school and one of her first comments to me was, "Don't look in my backpack tomorrow." What?? So I asked her why I shouldn't look in her backpack. I check her backpack everyday. I thought maybe she was in trouble at school or something. She wouldn't say why, she only said I didn't need to look. Her insistence was a red flag, but I kind of forgot about it after that. The next morning when I handed her the backpack as she was leaving it weighed a lot more than it usually does and I quickly remembered our conversation from the day before. Upon further examination, I found that her backpack contained her Barbies. I'm not sure what she was cooking up, but she didn't get to take the toys to school. I guess she thought she was being sneaky...
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Break a leg, Eric!
Here is the newspaper clipping from the Columbus Republic on Monday, Nov. 17. The top photo was along the top of the front page, then the article from inside the paper. Why is she in costume and he isn't? I don't know. Also - I know he needs a haircut, but he's supposed to grow it out a bit for the spring musical. He will be combing and styling it for the play - I've seen it and it looks good, just too bad it wasn't done for the newspaper picture!
The play has 2 performances tomorrow and then one performance each on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Eric plays Dr. Frank Gibbs and Justine is the assistant backstage director - she's excited because she gets to be the backstage director for the Thursday performances. Not bad for a freshman! Ms. Runge says she's very good and James, (a senior and a good friend of Eric's) the lighting/sound director says he doesn't remember a freshman ever being backstage director before. So good luck, Eric and Justine!
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
I finally got a hold of some photos of the last 2 musicals that Eric has been in. It is kind of fun to see the difference between the two. In spring 2007 (as a freshman) he played Nicely Nicely Johnson in "Guys 'n Dolls" and in spring 2008 (sophomore) he played Fred/Petruchio in "Kiss Me Kate". It will be fun to compare these to next spring's musical which will be "Grease". Auditions are at the beginning of December, so we will know soon what role he will have and we might even be watching Justine as well! These first 3 pictures are from "Guys 'n Dolls". I wish I had more - but I was glad to get these:
Monday, November 03, 2008
A Fun Halloween!
We did the usual trick-or-treating with Justine, Brig and Reagan and it was fun, as always. Reagan really knows how to inhale her candy!
Something new we did this year was set up our barn with a makeshift screen and a projector TV and Eric invited a bunch of friends and we did a scary movie in the barn and a bonfire/roasted hot dogs, etc. It was a great time. At one point, I counted 20 teenagers, but that number might be a little low - they don't hold still very long. The weather was perfect - we even had some pretty spectacular shooting stars. The old barn had the perfect 'Halloween' ambience.
Something new we did this year was set up our barn with a makeshift screen and a projector TV and Eric invited a bunch of friends and we did a scary movie in the barn and a bonfire/roasted hot dogs, etc. It was a great time. At one point, I counted 20 teenagers, but that number might be a little low - they don't hold still very long. The weather was perfect - we even had some pretty spectacular shooting stars. The old barn had the perfect 'Halloween' ambience.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Updated photos...
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Election 2008 - A celebration of mediocrity.
I hate to even talk about politics, but it has definitely been a disheartening year. Neither candidate seems qualified to me, but one of the candidates is very scary. This year my vote will be more of a vote AGAINST Barack Obama than a vote FOR John McCain. It cracks me up that each candidate points out that the other is out of touch. That is one point they are both right on!! Out of touch is an understatement!
If I have to hear the word 'fair' too many more times I might puke. 'Fair' is the word of choice for the Obama campaign but he must have a strange definition of the word. Nothing he is proposing sounds fair to me. He says he will raise taxes on the rich and on corporations. Corporations are already paying 40+% in taxes to the government. It seems UNfair to me that any entity or person should have to give almost half of what they use their industry to produce to the government. He is quoted as saying we need to get rid of the Bush tax cuts - that sounds like raising taxes to me! Those tax cuts have really helped out the small business owners (of which I am one). Also, his 'tax cut' to the middle class is a one time $1000 dollar payment. PLEASE!! That wouldn't pay our expenses for a month! What about after that?? Hang on to your wallets people - before you know it we will all be classified as 'rich'.
He says he wants jobs to stay in America - his plan will drive them out quicker than they are currently leaving. Why pay 40%+ in taxes when you can pay so much less in other countries? He's not Robin Hood but he uses the phrase 'take from the rich and give to the poor' and how we need to be more 'equal'. (Not to mention his patronzing, condescending tone). I don't know where most Americans get their education, but in Canada, we learned the difference between capitalism and communism and 'fair' and 'equal' are communist talking points and we know how that little theory has played out on the world stage. Fair to me means that if I earn the money, I get to keep most of it and make my own decision on how best to use it! Isn't it a little scary to be talking about people 'making too much money'??
He also openly admits that raising taxes won't increase revenue for the government, but lower it. He says it's not about revenue, it's about what's 'fair'. WRONG!! Collecting taxes is all about raising revenue for the government. If he is going to lower government revenue, how is he going to pay for all these 'wonderful' programs he says we need? When he spoke at the high school here a few months ago, he said that increased government efficiency would pay for these programs (specifically healthcare). What a crock!! When was the last time the government did anything efficiently?? Please give me one example because I haven't come up with one yet!!
Don't even get me started on socialized medicine!! Suffice it to say that I grew up in a socialized medical system and I am SO glad that I am raising my children here where they can get care when they need it! Yes - there are problems with the system, but letting the government take over is not the solution.
One other thing that really gets me is that Americans seem so anxious to vote for the candidate that the terrorists are hoping will win. Why do the terrorists want Obama to win?? Do they want America to live or die?? Honestly - who needs another reason not to vote for him than our enemies support him? And while we're on the subject - where did much of the HALF BILLION dollars Obama raised for his campaign come from? He won't say - does that sound fishy to you? I would love to find out how much of that money came from enemies!
Don't get me wrong - John McCain isn't a great choice either. He has often acted like a Democrat in disguise as a senator. The one thing he has going for him to me is that he does not have a history of overspending. He doesn't do porkbarrel projects and, honestly, we could use a lot less of that! He also has no qualms about standing up to our enemies. Ok, so that's two things going for him.
It seems like Republicans and Democrats alike have forgotten what our forefathers knew - that real power comes when the people are free from oppression - including the burden of supporting a bloated and, in some ways, corrupt government. They are like the monkey with his hand in the cookie jar. They won't let go of the power they have even though there is greater power to be had by doing so.
Perhaps there needs to be a change in how the candidates are selected. Both sides complained of too much influence from outside their own parties and I think that both parties ended up with less-than-ideal candidates. I was listening to the Republican senator from Oklahoma (Tom Coburn) speak the other day and found myself wondering where he was when the party was choosing their candidate. But then I realized that he's not been the most popular senator on Capitol Hill - guess why? - he has ideas for real change would reign in the federal governments far-reaching grasp. Hmmm - for all the talk we hear about 'change' the less anything seems to. For Obama especially, it seems like 'change' is something we talk about but don't actually engage in (the best example of that being his selection for vice-pres).
I thought that John McCain might have learned from his selection for vice-president. Republicans got excited about Sarah Palin because she stood for something and wasn't afraid to say it. For all the talk of 'change' we've been hearing about, her selection was the only real 'change' we saw! She's more manly than her running mate and the men she's running against! John McCain would do well to find his backbone and use it.
As a naturalized American citizen, I would love to see America remain a thriving, prosperous nation, but it looks like it may be an uphill battle. Historically, Americans haven't been content to take the easy way out and that's one reason it's such a great place to be. Why should the government solve my problems when I am capable of solving them myself?
If I have to hear the word 'fair' too many more times I might puke. 'Fair' is the word of choice for the Obama campaign but he must have a strange definition of the word. Nothing he is proposing sounds fair to me. He says he will raise taxes on the rich and on corporations. Corporations are already paying 40+% in taxes to the government. It seems UNfair to me that any entity or person should have to give almost half of what they use their industry to produce to the government. He is quoted as saying we need to get rid of the Bush tax cuts - that sounds like raising taxes to me! Those tax cuts have really helped out the small business owners (of which I am one). Also, his 'tax cut' to the middle class is a one time $1000 dollar payment. PLEASE!! That wouldn't pay our expenses for a month! What about after that?? Hang on to your wallets people - before you know it we will all be classified as 'rich'.
He says he wants jobs to stay in America - his plan will drive them out quicker than they are currently leaving. Why pay 40%+ in taxes when you can pay so much less in other countries? He's not Robin Hood but he uses the phrase 'take from the rich and give to the poor' and how we need to be more 'equal'. (Not to mention his patronzing, condescending tone). I don't know where most Americans get their education, but in Canada, we learned the difference between capitalism and communism and 'fair' and 'equal' are communist talking points and we know how that little theory has played out on the world stage. Fair to me means that if I earn the money, I get to keep most of it and make my own decision on how best to use it! Isn't it a little scary to be talking about people 'making too much money'??
He also openly admits that raising taxes won't increase revenue for the government, but lower it. He says it's not about revenue, it's about what's 'fair'. WRONG!! Collecting taxes is all about raising revenue for the government. If he is going to lower government revenue, how is he going to pay for all these 'wonderful' programs he says we need? When he spoke at the high school here a few months ago, he said that increased government efficiency would pay for these programs (specifically healthcare). What a crock!! When was the last time the government did anything efficiently?? Please give me one example because I haven't come up with one yet!!
Don't even get me started on socialized medicine!! Suffice it to say that I grew up in a socialized medical system and I am SO glad that I am raising my children here where they can get care when they need it! Yes - there are problems with the system, but letting the government take over is not the solution.
One other thing that really gets me is that Americans seem so anxious to vote for the candidate that the terrorists are hoping will win. Why do the terrorists want Obama to win?? Do they want America to live or die?? Honestly - who needs another reason not to vote for him than our enemies support him? And while we're on the subject - where did much of the HALF BILLION dollars Obama raised for his campaign come from? He won't say - does that sound fishy to you? I would love to find out how much of that money came from enemies!
Don't get me wrong - John McCain isn't a great choice either. He has often acted like a Democrat in disguise as a senator. The one thing he has going for him to me is that he does not have a history of overspending. He doesn't do porkbarrel projects and, honestly, we could use a lot less of that! He also has no qualms about standing up to our enemies. Ok, so that's two things going for him.
It seems like Republicans and Democrats alike have forgotten what our forefathers knew - that real power comes when the people are free from oppression - including the burden of supporting a bloated and, in some ways, corrupt government. They are like the monkey with his hand in the cookie jar. They won't let go of the power they have even though there is greater power to be had by doing so.
Perhaps there needs to be a change in how the candidates are selected. Both sides complained of too much influence from outside their own parties and I think that both parties ended up with less-than-ideal candidates. I was listening to the Republican senator from Oklahoma (Tom Coburn) speak the other day and found myself wondering where he was when the party was choosing their candidate. But then I realized that he's not been the most popular senator on Capitol Hill - guess why? - he has ideas for real change would reign in the federal governments far-reaching grasp. Hmmm - for all the talk we hear about 'change' the less anything seems to. For Obama especially, it seems like 'change' is something we talk about but don't actually engage in (the best example of that being his selection for vice-pres).
I thought that John McCain might have learned from his selection for vice-president. Republicans got excited about Sarah Palin because she stood for something and wasn't afraid to say it. For all the talk of 'change' we've been hearing about, her selection was the only real 'change' we saw! She's more manly than her running mate and the men she's running against! John McCain would do well to find his backbone and use it.
As a naturalized American citizen, I would love to see America remain a thriving, prosperous nation, but it looks like it may be an uphill battle. Historically, Americans haven't been content to take the easy way out and that's one reason it's such a great place to be. Why should the government solve my problems when I am capable of solving them myself?
Monday, September 29, 2008
Was I born yesterday???
My son, Eric, speaks in code. He thinks I don't understand the code. For example - every time his affections switch to a new girl, he finds a way to make it sound noble breaking up with the old one. This last week it was that she lived too far away and it just wasn't working out. Duh - code for, "I found someone else!" He also says how he hates riding to early morning seminary with the girl down the road because she is always late. Like last year when they were being driven by parents he EVER cared if he was late - I waited on him EVERY morning! This morning he was driving and picking her up and he left record late, I think! What he really means is, "I just want to drive because I'm a guy and I want to look cool to my friends."
In other news, there is only 2 weeks of volleyball left for Justine. We will be going to 2 games this week. Eric got the part he wanted in the upcoming play (sometime in November). It seems like the month of October is always so busy - harvest is moving along as well.
In other news, there is only 2 weeks of volleyball left for Justine. We will be going to 2 games this week. Eric got the part he wanted in the upcoming play (sometime in November). It seems like the month of October is always so busy - harvest is moving along as well.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Stripping ... Wallpaper, that is!!
I have been stripping wallpaper again. There is never a shortage of projects in this money-pit of a house. Some days I think I would trade 'character' for less house related headaches!! But it's moving along - slowly. I have two rooms close to done. Then it's plaster patching time, then paint the ceilings, then size the walls, then wallpaper. All in all, I get to go over every square inch of the room at least 4 times (more if there are multiple layers of wallpaper to strip). These old houses have a lot of surface area! The upstairs ceilings are closer to 11 feet high, so that just adds to the fun.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Ready to blog!!
I think I am ready to blog again. I really need to vent. School has begun and all four kids are now in school - 2 in high school, 1 in middle school and 1 in kindergarten. Whew!! But we've been doing 3 different schools for awhile now, so that part isn't too bad.
I had to go to the high school this week to take care of a problem. My freshman daughter was being 'stalked' by another student!! She started working in the school library and spoke to another student working there. He decided that he was pretty much infatuated with her and wouldn't leave her alone. He started sending very creepy emails - there were 15 emails in 3 days - all rather unnerving. Thankfully she just started deleting them and not reading them. I printed a sampling off and took them to the Dean. This student even got her personal info from the library computer and texted my work cell phone. Hopefully the problem is taken care of now, but how do you get through 10 years of school and have zero social skills or academic skills?? I mean - the guy couldn't even construct a complete sentence! 'Stalker' is the word my daughter used. If he isn't one now, he might be one someday...
On a happier note, my middle schooler thanked me the other day for sending him to the new tech school instead of the regular school. He was not thrilled about the change at first, but I knew he would love it if he gave it a chance, and he does! So many times these decisions are of the 'they'll thank me later' type, but I didn't have to wait long for the thanks this time!!
My kindergartener is LOVING school. I went in and read to them on 'Put your nose in a book' Day a few weeks ago. I read them one of my favorite (and one of the most under-rated) children's books ever - "Whitefish Will Rides Again". One of the funnest children's book EVER. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it.
In other news, I now have 'high speed' internet. By 'high speed', I mean faster than dial-up, but not as fast as broadband. You see, we live in what I refer to as a cyber black hole. Even though I am less than 10 miles from a large town both north and south (we live in the country, but I don't consider myself rural - if you want rural, go to southern Alberta), I do not have access to high speed internet through the phone and cable won't come down my road. My nephew spent a couple of years in Mongolia a few years back and the joke was he had quicker, easier access to high speed than we did. So I have literally been waiting for years for reasonably priced, reliable, high speed internet. My neighbors got satellite internet and said it was working well for them so I decided to give it a try. So far, so good. It could be faster though for how much it costs - not to mention the installation/start-up cost! I don't even get their advertised lowest price. They call it a 'high volume' area which is really just code for 'we know you don't have any other options, so we're charging you more'. But I have to say that listing on eBay is much quicker. Hopefully I can increase my listings enough to offset the increase in internet cost.
My oldest son's electronic drum set died. I was so happy!! But then he got a used acoustic set from a friend. It is much, much louder than the electronic drums. *SIGH* I keep telling myself that he is a junior and he will be gone soon and I will miss him, so I try not to complain too much about the noise pollution. Maybe it's a good thing we live in the country...
I had to go to the high school this week to take care of a problem. My freshman daughter was being 'stalked' by another student!! She started working in the school library and spoke to another student working there. He decided that he was pretty much infatuated with her and wouldn't leave her alone. He started sending very creepy emails - there were 15 emails in 3 days - all rather unnerving. Thankfully she just started deleting them and not reading them. I printed a sampling off and took them to the Dean. This student even got her personal info from the library computer and texted my work cell phone. Hopefully the problem is taken care of now, but how do you get through 10 years of school and have zero social skills or academic skills?? I mean - the guy couldn't even construct a complete sentence! 'Stalker' is the word my daughter used. If he isn't one now, he might be one someday...
On a happier note, my middle schooler thanked me the other day for sending him to the new tech school instead of the regular school. He was not thrilled about the change at first, but I knew he would love it if he gave it a chance, and he does! So many times these decisions are of the 'they'll thank me later' type, but I didn't have to wait long for the thanks this time!!
My kindergartener is LOVING school. I went in and read to them on 'Put your nose in a book' Day a few weeks ago. I read them one of my favorite (and one of the most under-rated) children's books ever - "Whitefish Will Rides Again". One of the funnest children's book EVER. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it.
In other news, I now have 'high speed' internet. By 'high speed', I mean faster than dial-up, but not as fast as broadband. You see, we live in what I refer to as a cyber black hole. Even though I am less than 10 miles from a large town both north and south (we live in the country, but I don't consider myself rural - if you want rural, go to southern Alberta), I do not have access to high speed internet through the phone and cable won't come down my road. My nephew spent a couple of years in Mongolia a few years back and the joke was he had quicker, easier access to high speed than we did. So I have literally been waiting for years for reasonably priced, reliable, high speed internet. My neighbors got satellite internet and said it was working well for them so I decided to give it a try. So far, so good. It could be faster though for how much it costs - not to mention the installation/start-up cost! I don't even get their advertised lowest price. They call it a 'high volume' area which is really just code for 'we know you don't have any other options, so we're charging you more'. But I have to say that listing on eBay is much quicker. Hopefully I can increase my listings enough to offset the increase in internet cost.
My oldest son's electronic drum set died. I was so happy!! But then he got a used acoustic set from a friend. It is much, much louder than the electronic drums. *SIGH* I keep telling myself that he is a junior and he will be gone soon and I will miss him, so I try not to complain too much about the noise pollution. Maybe it's a good thing we live in the country...
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