Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Season Craziness!!

Wow! It's Christmas day already! It's been a busy and fun December. A week ago we had Reagan's 6th birthday. It was great! 6-year-old girls are especially cute. She wore the 'crown' she got at school all day. The present she wanted most was a horse-drawn Barbie carriage - very sparkly and gaudy - but perfect for her! And the Barbie cake was a hit as well. I will post pictures. We have had it a week now and it has many miles on it already! For Christmas she got a bunch of Disney princesses, so the carriage has been extra busy today and so has the one prince we have.

Brig had an adventure this week. A friend from school invited him to go to the sold-out Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert in Indianapolis on Monday night. What a treat for him! His siblings were very jealous and he said the concert was awesome. But Eric gets to go and see the stage production of 'Lion King' in Indy tomorrow night with a friend, so there's plenty of good stuff going on - I know I'm jealous! Justine says she doesn't get to do anything fun. We have the family skating party coming up and hope to spend new year's with family as well.

We all had a good Christmas. The kids didn't get us up too early - it was about 7:30am when we went downstairs. Our usual early riser (Brig) didn't wake up too early because he was so excited that it took him a long time to fall asleep, so he was extra tired.

I will post the Christmas pictures separately.

If you've heard rumors of our family growing again, they are true. We will be adding number 5 at the end of July (the 22nd is the due date, but historically that doesn't mean much for me - it will most likely be sometime after the 22nd, probably at least a week). 10 weeks down, at least 30 more to go!! Yes, I feel nauseous all the time.


TotallyContent said...

I heard the rumors - Congrats on having baby number 5!! I really wish I lived close enough to see you get big.... ;)Love the cake for Reagan, it is so cute. Love to all. Merry Christmas

Jessie said...

Nice job on the cake! Looks like you have had a busy but fun couple of weeks!