Thursday, February 05, 2009

All fingers and toes accounted for!!

Here is a picture from the ultrasound I had on Jan. 23. (The top picture also shows the baby's heartbeat along the bottom). There was some question as to the actual due date, so they did a quick ultrasound at my appointment (thankfully, the due date is correct!):

Reagan's reaction to the pictures was funny. When I told her I had pictures of the baby, she was expecting 'pictures'! First, she wanted to know if it was a boy baby or a girl baby (we aren't finding that out until the baby is born). Then, when she saw the pictures she said, "That's a baby?". She also commented that the baby looked kind of ugly and how did they get the camera in my tummy?

But I was glad to see the baby, hear the heartbeat, and count the fingers and toes!

At this point in the pregnancy, I am starting to feel the baby move as well. Tracy is looking forward to the 'real' ultrasound at around 20 weeks when he will be present.


TotallyContent said...

I am so jealous of your 3D ultrasound, I never had one of those. Glad that everything is going okay with the pregnancy.

April said...

Wow Laura, congratulations! I just ran across your blog while I was blog hopping ("blog stalking" as Curtis calls it). That's so neat that you are having another baby!!!

I had a 3D ultrasound with Amelia, and it does look a little freaky. My girls kept saying she looked like an alien. It's cool though, to see the baby in so much more detail.