Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Brief update

Mom and Dad made it to the MTC and it sounds like they are keeping very busy! We are looking forward to seeing them next week!

Grease is coming up FAST. I've managed to catch bits of rehearsal here and there and it's really coming along. The pit starts rehearsing with the cast next week - I need to practice more!!!

The boys' bedroom is almost done! Hope to finish it up this week and get the house pulled together before company comes! Thanks to Tracy for helping with the house work!!

Oh - Reagan finally got to feel the baby move. She's been wanting to for a long time, but isn't patient enough to. Every day she'll put her hand on my stomach for about 10 seconds, then she's tired of waiting. Yesterday, her timing was perfect and she got a good kick. She had such a surprised look on her face!

1 comment:

Mick said...

OH how exciting! It's so much fun to watch younger kids interact with such things!