Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A rural infestation...

I was just reading my city-slicker sister's blog. She and her husband are new home owners in a big city. She just had her first adventure with a mouse in the house. I was laughing because with living in a farm house we have had a mouse or two over the years. But the last couple of years we have had a different sort of infestation (luckily an outdoor one) - groundhogs or woodchucks or whatever you want to call them. From far away they are kind of cute and furry - but don't be fooled! They can be very destructive. They were digging out under our barn foundations and also throwing up dirt piles around the property. We have a farm house on about 4 acres with four large out-buildings. Last spring we were pretty sure we had 5 or 6 groundhogs and they were tearing the place apart. A kind friend loaned us a gun and taught us how to use it. We started eliminating the destructive intruders and when all was said and done, we had 16 groundhogs!!! We got 15 of them, but number 16 went into hibernation before we got him.

I don't know if there is a sign somewhere pointing groundhogs to our place, but this year it seems like we are starting over again! Hopefully not on as large of a scale, but last night I got number one for this season.

I have to admit that learning to use a gun was not really high on my list of experiences to seek out. I'm sure my family thinks I have completely crossed over to redneck-hood, but I have to say that while killing groundhogs is an unpleasant necessity, target practice on inanimate objects is kind of theraputic. Plus - my average is pretty good - I haven't missed a shot yet (even if my targets hold nice and still for me).

My husband assures me that I would have to kill the groundhog AND cook it up for dinner to be a true redneck. WHEW! I was getting worried!

1 comment:

Devynn said...

I think you crossed over the redneck line when you learned how to shoot! I can't even imagine doing that. But then again, I'm a city-slicker LOL! 16 groundhogs? Crazy! You should have seen me freaking out over a little mouse! I'm a total scaredy-cat. I just don't think I could live a non-city-slicker life. I'm too girly-girl and prissy, I guess.
BTW-Mom and Dad are so excited to see you guys! I hope I don't make the trip too short by going into labour.