Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Sick on my birthday...

A large gap between postings - I know! But things have been a little crazy lately. This is the busy tuning time with churches preparing for Christmas and people with family coming in for the holidays. Also, I am trying to do a few homemade things for Christmas as well as the family calendar for my husband's side of the family, not to mention trying to get the church choir together for the Christmas Sunday. I haven't even started dipping chocolates yet - I did get my chocolate though. I used to get a small discount for buying bulk, but I guess those days are over. sigh At least most of my Christmas shopping is done.

On top of it all I have been sick since Sunday. I have been doing my scheduled tunings despite the fact that I feel horrible. I only rescheduled one and it will be tomorrow. I am feeling a bit better today, so hopefully that means I am getting well! I was hoping for a 24 hour flu, but its more like a 96 hour flu I guess.

So I guess that's my exciting birthday - at least I haven't thrown up yet!


Devynn said...

did you get the e-card I sent you?

Laura said...

yes - thanks! very cute.