Monday, October 17, 2005

A spare minute!

I can't believe I have a spare minute. I tuned a very difficult piano this morning (in the middle of nowhere) and also had to tie a broken string back in. I hate putting strings in, but I am getting better at it - only 2 cuts today! LOL. So now I am finally home. The little one is sleeping, so I got some lunch and now here I am. The older kids don't have to be picked up for another hour and a half, so I can catch up on a few things - mostly needing to get the halloween costumes finished up.

So I'm not really sure what to talk about. I don't know that anyone will actually read this, but at the same time I feel kind of exposed. My sister's blog is interesting - but she has a great writing style and, well, she's blonde, so I get a kick out of some of the stuff she writes. She's also very opinionated and doesn't mind sharing.

I would have to say that my life is rather ordinary. I am married with 4 kids and I live in a victorian farm house that is a bit of a money pit and always under construction. When my 3rd child was one I took up piano tuning and repair - kind of crazy, I know - but almost 9 years later I am still at it. It has been the source of funding for our house projects and has worked out quite well as it is part time and I can set my own hours and the money is decent.

My oldest son is 14, so we are having some teenage antics, but my youngest daughter is 2, so we are also having adventures in toilet-training. At the moment we also have a litter of 4 kittens in our garage. Never a dull moment, and thankfully most of them are happy. My main question right now would have to be 'How do you get through to a teenager?'. He doesn't seem to believe that I really have been-there-done-that. I anxiously await the day when he has his own teenager to try and get through to. He's a great kid, though.

Well, I guess I'm off to the sewing machine. My son is going to be the Phantom of the Opera and my daughter is going to be Christine and Christine HAS to have a dress! The younger two are going to be Sulley and Boo from Monster's Inc, so it is shaping up to be a fun Halloween!


Brian - the Shrink said...

Well, Laura, Devynn does have a unique writing style, and makes us all laugh. I guess that's why we love her so much.
Your blog is good. It is a great way to keep up on what is going on in people's busy lives. Keep at it!

Devynn said...

I'd love to say I'm offended by the blonde comment, but I'm not. I am blonde, and I can admit it! I have my moments -- more than most, but that's what keeps my life interesting.
I'm so glad you are writing a blog -- I love reading blogs, but they are really only good if you know the people!
BTW -- those kittens are so cute -- nice professional touch by putting them in the baskets!