Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A Secret Blog?

My husband mentioned last night that he thought blogs were stupid and people who wrote them must just have too much time on their hands. Hmmm - I guess I haven't mentioned to him that I have a blog!! I would not say that I have more time than I know what to do with, it's just a good outlet - of course, he is a hunt-and-peck typist, so a blog would take him longer than some I guess... . Not much excitement here - just coming into a busy tuning time, so I'm trying to figure out how to get everything done!!

1 comment:

Devynn said...

To Tracy,
People that blogs don't have too much time on their hands, we are just good at time management. Between Special Olympics, court reporting, photography, going back and forth to Lethbridge all the time, and church callings, I don't exactly have a lot of spare time, but I do manage to find time to blog, because I enjoy it.