Thursday, July 16, 2009

New Arrival!!

Marlee Laura arrived at 5:10am on July 14th. She weighed 6 lbs. 2 oz. and was 20" long. Her name is a combination of my two grandma's names (Marjorie and Shirley). She caught us a little by surprise as I was scheduled to be induced on July 15th (having never gone into labor on my own in the past). And how fast she came caught us all by surprise!! I woke up around 3:30am on Tues., wondering if I might be in labor. I got up and walked around a bit to see if it would stop, but it didn't, so I got Tracy up a little after 4 and told him we should go to the hospital. We got dressed, gave instructions to Eric and threw a few things together to take to the hospital. By the time we got to the hospital it was apparent that things were going much faster than anticipated. We arrived on the maternity floor at about 4:55am and the nurses delivered the baby at 5:10am about 10 min. ahead of my doctor's arrival! But we're glad she's here and everything is ok.
We got home from the hospital this morning. The kids are all crazy about their new baby sister. It's hard to believe how tiny she is - she's our smallest one yet (she weighed 5 lbs. 11 oz. when we left the hospital), but I'm sure she will grow fast! She has had no trouble at all figuring out when it is time to eat!
Check out that full head of dark hair!! Love it!!


TotallyContent said...

Such a cutie! I'm so glad that all went well and that everyone is home healthy and happy. Congrats!!!

Mick said...

SHE IS SOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!! I LOVE her hair :-)

loves2spin said...

She is just darling and you all look SO happy. Congratulations!