Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Catching some smiles!

Finally catching a few smiles on camera!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Baby update

It's been a whole month already! Marlee is changing and growing fast. She's awake a lot more and we're even starting to get a few smiles although I have yet to catch one with the camera. The first weekend in August was the Lykins reunion, so we blessed Marlee that Sunday. Special thanks to Shauna for FedExing me the blessing dress that mom crocheted! I am posting some pictures of that and a few other updated pictures.

In other news, we took the training wheels off of Reagan's bike this summer and Justine and I helped her learn to ride without them. I am posting a picture. Also, school starts tomorrow. We just got back from the elementary school open house where we met Reagan's teacher and saw the classroom. She's all set for grade one! There's not too much excitement about another school year beginning - I think Tracy is the least excited. I am always sad to have my kids around less, but the upside this year is that I might be able to get a little more rest through the day since my nights are still pretty long thanks to the baby (things are slowly getting better).

Sunday, Aug. 2:

Reagan riding without training wheels and Marlee, Aug. 6: