Thursday, September 14, 2006

Time flies...

Am I having fun? I guess whether I am or not, a lot of time has passed since my last post. LOL - I even had to enter my password a couple of times to get the right one!

We are back in the school groove, I guess and so far so good. The main change this year is that now my 3 school age children are spread out in 3 different schools. Our new high school experience has so far been positive. I was so happy to see that my son was NOT one of the shirtless-chest-painted-fans-in-very-small-running-shorts at the football game. He may be a freshman, but he's smart enough to know where to draw the line!!

Other than that, my plate is fuller than ever. We decided to do an early morning seminary group for church here at the house this school year. Guess who gets to teach?? So the spare time that I didn't have before is now really taken up! I also have a room torn down almost ready to redo. I have a little ceiling paper left to strip, then I can start priming/sizing. The walls are patched and I have the wallpaper in hand. To say that house projects move slowly around here is an understatement. It seems like the odds of time and money occurring at the same time around here are just slightly better than getting struck by lightning. However, I do need to have the room done by Christmas or we can hang up the idea of putting up a tree.

I have to say that I have been enjoying the one-on-one time I have with my 3 year old. She is so much fun and we have a great time togther. 20+ rounds per day of the game 'Candyland' is probably not an activity I would choose for myself, but her excitement is contagious and it's very cute how she takes each round so seriously. I'm off for some deep reading! 'Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!' anyone?