Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sad news...

There is lots of news to catch up on, but that will wait. On Sunday, my little sister and her husband lost their baby. She was 37 weeks pregnant and 2 weeks away from a scheduled c-section. They still don't know why their little boy died. She wrote a very touching poem that is worth reading. I'm posting the link here (the November 24th post): http://mommyiscrazyblog.blogspot.com/

My heart just hurts.

Monday, November 02, 2009


Only 2 of my kids trick-or-treated this year. It was cold enough that I kept Marlee home and the two older kids had a party in the barn with a scary movie on the 'big screen'. We had at least 30 teenagers over. It was a nice night for a party and the other kids had a good candy haul.

I am also posting a picture of Marlee that I took for the high school. They like the faculty members with babies to take baby pictures in school colors. So, here's Marlee in East orange:

My wicked witch and ninja:

Sunday, November 01, 2009


Got to see Brig's play twice and was sad that I couldn't see it again (they only did 2 performances). The cast and crew did a great job. We did video tape it and here are some pictures: